Welcome to DigiUA

We are team of developers aiming to create a smart solution for the screens scattered around IEETA


Find Out More About Us

We want to make it easier for people to see what they want.

Multi-monitor System

On the left we can see multiple monitors displaying different content.

Our goal is to develop a centralized application that provides management of digital content in a multi-monitor system context and also the possibility of statistical integration and iteraction with the user.

The central part of the development tool is the capability of storing content pre-processed and have a application capable of interconnect and manage the content on multi monitors (at the same time).

Finally we pretend to analyze statistically the content in order to capt the reaction/emotion of a person in front of a given monitor with a given content at any given time.


Our Hardworking Team

Bruno Lopes

Responsible for Admin Dashboard

Gabriel Saudade

Responsible for Monitor Programming

João Génio

Responsible for The Backend of the System

Martim Neves

Responsible for Image Processing

Pedro Gonçalves

Responsible for the user and monitor interface

Prof. António Neves


Daniel Canedo
